Saturday, 29 August 2009

Lonely Objects

Although these two images are very simple, the composition really makes these objects that you wouldn't really notice or appreciate normally, stand out and become very aesthetically pleasing pieces of art, on their own. Once photographed in a pure way, they become noticeable for their good points rather than their practical values. That's what I like.

New Work

movement in photos.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009


Miranda RIP

Photos of Jessica Geary aka Sister Thursday. 

Find her here -

Monday, 3 August 2009

Tee-shirts repeated.

This is a new project I am currently starting, looking at identities, which our clothes help to promote within society. Without seeing the face you can't judge nor be able to identity with the individual. Cross processed I like the way the previous image has entered the frame, it almost questions the viewers' opinion of the identity in the image.